Mental Health Is Related To Your Gut Health : Harvard Research

mind and body

According to a research by Harvard Health Publishing, brain has a direct connection with the stomach and intestines. The stress in both ways can affect the other part. Any intestinal stress can have a direct affect on the mental health of a human being. Similarly, a person suffering from anxiety or depression will show signs … Read more

Improved Body Imaging with Limited Social Media Usage : APA

Limited Social Media Usage

A recent study published in American Psychological Association (APA) has confirmed that teenagers and young adults who had limited social media usage for a few weeks by 50% witnessed improvement in their self image about their appearance and body weight. This was compared with their peers who had significant social media usage. Gary Goldfield, lead researcher … Read more

People Like you more than you think: Harvard Penn Research

People Like You

According to a recent psychological study by researchers from Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and leadership coaching firm BetterUp, people underestimate the degree to which others like them in small groups or while working in teams. The study says that people like you more than you think. Further, the study suggests that the ‘liking gap’ is … Read more

Body Movement: A New Approach To Treat Anxiety and Depression

approach to Treat Anxiety and Depression

According to a study published in National Library of Medicine, people suffering from anxiety and depression have less postural control as compared to healthy individuals. Findings indicate that anxious and depressed individuals tend to have ‘increased head flexion [head bent forward] and smaller joint range of motion of knees, hips, wrists, shoulders, and elbows.’ Read … Read more

Inflammation Linked To Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Inflammation linked to Major Depressive Disorder

Researchers from Cambridge have recently identified inflammation to be one of the sources of Depression in some patients as reported by Washington Post. The clinical trial data further suggests that depression could be treated by targeting and treating inflammation in the body. Read more on Inflation linked to major depressive disorder (MDD). The study has … Read more

DMT Therapy Effective For Major Depression Disorders In Phase 2 Clinical Trial

DMT Therapy

Small Pharma Inc., a biotechnology company focused on psychedelic-assisted therapies for mental health disorders completed Phase 2 Clinical trials of DMT. DMT or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine is a naturally-occurring, fast-acting psychoactive molecule. It is present in a wide variety of plants and animals (including humans) and it can also be synthesized in a lab. Trial as confirmed … Read more

Mothers Suffering From Depression Take Longer To Respond To Their Children: Study

Mothers suffering from Depression

According to a recent study conducted at University of Missouri, mothers suffering from depression tend to take longer to respond to her child’s back and forth dialogue. Researchers at MU School of Health Professionals examined audio recordings of more than 100 families involved in Early Head Start Program. Early Head Start is a federal child … Read more

Addressing Social Isolation: A Way to Prevent Mass Shootings

Prevent Mass Shootings

According to a recent study in Journal of Psychology of Violence, an analysis was done on the psychological crises of 177 mass shooters. The results of the study indicate social isolation as one of the prominent causes of such attacks. Addressing social isolation can help prevent mass shootings. Samuel West, Ph.D., an assistant professor of … Read more

Senator Fetterman’s Revelation on Depression : Breaking Stigma on Mental Health

Breaking stigma on Mental Health

Recently, Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania checked himself into a hospital to be treated for clinical depression. Politicians around have been appreciating his openness on mental health. Disclosure of mental health struggles among public figures can seen as a growing acceptance towards the issue. This has been appreciated as a huge step towards breaking stigma … Read more

NIMH Director Highlights On Effective Treatment For Clinical Depression

Effective Treatment For Clinical Depression

In a recent interview with Face of the Nation, the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Joshua Gordon talked about stroke induced depression. He also spoke about effective treatment for clinical depression. He said “Low motivation, sadness, challenges with sleep , appetite, energy, loss of motivation etc. are some of the symptoms … Read more