How To Control Impulsive Behavior

how to control impulsive behavior

Impulsive behavior, characterized by acting without forethought, is a common human trait that can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. While spontaneity and quick decision-making can sometimes be beneficial, impulsivity often results in regrettable actions, strained relationships, and even legal or financial troubles. Learning to control impulsive behavior is essential for leading a balanced … Read more

Recognizing the Signs Of Empathic Distress and Strategies To Cope

empathic distress

Empathy is a fundamental human trait that allows us to connect with others on an emotional level, fostering understanding and compassion. However, when empathy becomes overwhelming, it can lead to a state known as empathic distress. This condition, characterized by feeling the pain and suffering of others intensely, can have significant emotional and psychological impacts. … Read more

10 Daily Habits to Boost Your Self Respect

self respect

Self respect is a cornerstone of mental health and personal fulfillment. It shapes how we view ourselves, how we interact with others, and how we navigate the challenges of life. Unlike self-esteem, which can be influenced by external factors, self respect is an inner sense of worth that remains steady regardless of circumstances. Cultivating self … Read more

Love Your Own Company: 5 Ways to Overcome Loneliness

how to overcome loneliness

There are moments in life when you feel lost and isolated. You feel set apart from other people as if nobody understands you , loves you or nobody with whom you could share your feelings with. Our experts have shared insights on how to overcome loneliness and more insights around it. Loneliness can reach at … Read more

Spiritual Signs You Met Your Soulmate

Spiritual Signs You Met Your Soulmate

In the vast tapestry of existence, there’s a concept that transcends mere coincidence, a connection that echoes through the universe – the meeting of soulmates. It’s a phenomenon that goes beyond the realm of romanticism; it delves into the spiritual, where two souls find each other across lifetimes, drawn together by an invisible force. While … Read more

7 Best Foods for Anxiety and Depression

food for anxiety

Anxiety disorder can be defined as recurring feelings of tension, worries leading to physical changes like increase in blood pressure, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) etc.1 Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illness affecting nearly 40 million Americans every year.2 It is said that an ‘anxious mind brings an anxious stomach.’ Foods for … Read more

Art of Slow Living : Benefits and Tips to slowing down in life

Slow Living

In today’s fast-paced world, everything is constantly moving at a breakneck speed. Sometimes, life is so fast that we tend not to give the required attention to our body and mind that are constantly calling for help. Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, the celebrated authors of ‘Ikigai- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy … Read more

6 Ways to Cope with Emotional Flooding

Emotional Flooding

Have you  ever felt an instant shoot up of emotions in certain situations? That your body stops acting with reason and you find yourself yelling, slamming doors or doing anything that you would regret in the next moment. It would also feel as if you’re losing control over your body, increased heart rate , difficulty … Read more

How Do You Know If You Have Depression?

Inflammation linked to Major Depressive Disorder

The feeling of sadness is an inevitable experience for all human beings. This feeling might betemporary for some people, but for others, it might be a daily part of their life. Depression thereforegoes undiagnosed and is not always easily identified. How do you know if you have depression? According to recent report by National Institute … Read more